Digitization and digital invoice processing

The need for digitization is now an important aspect for everyone. In the current article, we take a closer look at information about digital invoice processing. The advantages of digitizing invoices. We will show you how you can implement everything and describe the impact of a successful implementation.

Why is it necessary to digitize invoices and documents in companies?

Digitize incoming invoice processing: made easy with PaperOffice Document Management System
Digitize incoming invoice processing: made easy with PaperOffice Document Management System

That’s a question that more and more companies are asking: “Do I really have to digitize my accounting”? The answer is “Yes”, you have to. Among other things, because the legislature requires it to be so. More and more companies are faced with having to comply with the process documentation.

Legal regulations require compliance with the requirements regarding the receipt, processing and archiving of all test-relevant incoming documents.

In our current article we show a couple of practical examples. How you can easily solve digitization thanks to PaperOffice DMS. But first we come to the general advantages of digital processing of invoices.

What are the advantages of digitization?

In today’s world, where home office and digital media dominate, it’s still common to see paper bills piled up on shelves and on the table.

The main reasons for using paper are that employees find it difficult to accept digitization or to start with it. It lies in the challenges of dealing with change and digitization.

Digitization brings many advantages

Physical document copy despite digitization

Many people like to keep a physical copy of the documents they work with. But the process of handling paper that has been rehearsed for years also plays a role here.

We have already written a detailed article on the subject of going paperless. Here we explicitly address the topic of digital accounting.

Manually entering the invoice not only means a lot of time, but also hidden high costs. Getting it right can save a lot of time and money.

Key benefits include:

  • Find any invoice in seconds / time saver

Because thanks to the digitization of your documents, you can find all the invoices stored in PaperOffice in a matter of seconds. You no longer have to laboriously leaf through thick folders. By digitizing all invoices in your company, you only need a few clicks to find them in the system.

This also leads us to the second point:

  • You benefit from optimized work / paper savings

You no longer need space for physical folders. From now on you can archive your invoices in PaperOffice. Reducing paper consumption leads to clean and tidy offices

  • Simplify processes in accounting / For example through workflows

By managing your invoices digitally, you save time and effort. As well as costs for the creation, delivery and processing. Do not make copies for advanced tasks, workflows, and forwarding. Everything runs digitally and is transparent and comprehensible.

Thanks to the digitization of your invoices, you will no longer miss valuable discount deadlines.

  • Set permission for access at the push of a button

Individual access rights to individual documents and folders ensure clear security. You can grant access to individuals or entire departments. Such as accounting.

  • Recognize contacts automatically

PaperOffice intelligently recognizes address data in the document content. Then logically links the document to your existing contacts. This enables, among other things, the display of all documents for a specific contact with just a few clicks.

  • Automated keywording

PaperOffice supports you with intelligent AI recognition and keywording. In this way, the invoice is searched for the most important document data.

AI PIA intelligently reads the data out of the document. Then file the document with full keywords. If necessary with your test or automatically in the background.

  • Embedding / export function for tax consultants

You can easily hand over your invoices. With account assignment and keywording. Thanks to the advanced search, you have everything you need for the export. Like all the bills from last month, for example.

Including the folder structure, PDF file, Excel file with all information. As a result, your accountant or accountant can easily import the documentation.

  • Fast editing options

Accounting can be implemented quickly in the future. Not only can you find all documents immediately, you can also edit/classify them directly, for example. All legal requirements are met thanks to audit-proof archiving. Checking and approving is thus child’s play.

Digitizing invoices is essential for a number of reasons. Many companies are also already convinced that digitization of invoices is the future. This must also be accepted today and now.

Nevertheless, many still fear that this step is associated with a lengthy project. Which will be difficult, expensive, risky and destabilizing. The good news is that ultimately, thanks to PaperOffice, this is no longer the case!

What should be considered before digitizing invoices?

First of all, it is important not to confuse or reduce digitization to the scanning of incoming invoices. So that they can then get into the workflow process for validation, payment and archiving more easily and quickly. Digitization is much more.

Advantages of OCR text recognition

Automation can be done thanks to OCR text recognition. For example, with artificial intelligence (AI). In this way, learning functions are becoming more and more powerful and reliable detection algorithms.

Elements that appear on the invoice can be identified and extracted from the document immediately. The document is stored and can be made available to the accounting or ERP system.

The financial service provider benefits from reliable information in real time. For example, with digitization.

How do I implement invoice processing?

If you manage your invoices with PaperOffice, incoming invoice processing is completely electronic. You will already receive the incoming invoice digitally, i.e. by email or by scanning it. This makes no difference.

Digitize incoming invoices with DropMail, how?

If you already receive your incoming invoices in digital format, we recommend the DropMail module integrated in PaperOffice. This allows you to create a personal DropMail email address in PaperOffice. You only send invoices to them.

All invoices that are sent to your DropMail address as an email attachment are automatically archived in PaperOffice. With definable storage rules and no work.

PaperOffice recognizes the invoice and reads out the relevant data. As a result PaperOffice then files the invoice in the appropriate folder. Further approval processes, tasks and workflows are optionally started, thanks to the intelligent AI.

The information gets to all employees. Thanks to the involvement in the process, of course. The invoice workflow runs automatically.

Step-by-step digital invoice processing:

Digital invoice processing with paperOffice Document Management System is clearly structured
Digital invoice processing shown step by step

What does the future of invoice digitization look like. Where is the journey going?

First of all, the digitization of invoices brings significant and immediate increases in productivity. Moreover digitization not only frees employees from a time-consuming, dense operational task. Besides, problems of delay and dispute due to manual error will be solved.

The inherent costs of storage, searching and losing important paper documents are drastically reduced. In addition, the rationalization and automation of the validation and control processes in the entire accounts payable process.

From purchase request to payment, you multiply these benefits even more.

What are the advantages?

Overall, the cycle time for document processing can be reduced by 5. Management costs by 80%. With these figures, you immediately understand the urgency of digitizing invoices. Ultimately, these numbers are not the only ones to consider.

What does a company achieve thanks to digitization?

Through digitization, the company manages to free up important human and financial resources. Be it to absorb the growth of activity with constant resources. Or to mobilize your teams in transformation projects.

For employees, the digitization of invoices is not an enemy. Above all, the ally. These make their work more interesting and create added value for the company’s financial management.

Can paper be destroyed after digitization?

First of all, it is very important to note that the factors for digital archiving of documents must be observed. According to the GoBD, paper documents may be destroyed. Unless they have to be kept in the original in accordance with foreign tax or tax regulations.

These include, for example, opening balance sheets and building law documents.

The GoBD also says that the paper documents should be withdrawn from further processing. Also, the file may not be changed after the scanning process.

Audit-proof GoBD-compliant versioning

Which is given at any time thanks to the versioning in PaperOffice. The document must be accessible and evaluable for the duration of the retention period.

PaperOffice thus meets all required standards through certification and testing of all software requirements according to GOBD.

Retention period

The question of the retention period comes up again and again with our customers. Because there are no clear instructions on how and whether the original invoice should be kept. First of all, you should contact your responsible tax authority, i.e. the responsible auditor.

What documents are accepted?

Documents with legal relevance, such as contracts, are still required to be retained in the original.

To get to the point:

The tax office accepts electronic receipts. The court in dispute only originals.

This has to do with the fact that a signature can only be checked for authenticity on original documents. We recommend never throwing away the original.


It turns out that for the successful processing of incoming invoices you have to consider several aspects.

Let’s summarize:

In order to completely banish paper from the process, you have to implement end-to-end digitization of all incoming invoices. Improvements come from automating the process as much as possible.

Such a digital document has a bundle of advantages for the company. Tailor-made software ensures significantly more productivity in the company.

So, digitizing invoices is an important step in transforming your business into a paperless office. It saves time and labor. Increases the quality of your work results.

Take advantage of all the advantages of a digital office.

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