Protect Your Data: How to Effectively Avoid Data Leaks

5 Reasons Why Global Security Agencies, Government Authorities, and Specialized Units Trust PaperOffice

In an era where data leaks and security incidents are becoming increasingly common, protecting sensitive information is more important than ever. At PaperOffice DMS, we understand the challenges that businesses and public institutions face.

We are receiving more and more inquiries from the USA, Dubai, and other regions seeking a secure document management system.

PaperOffice DMS offers the perfect solution to prevent data leaks and ensure the security of your documents.

Here are five reasons why PaperOffice DMS is ideal for SMEs and government agencies.

1. Highest Data Encryption

A key aspect in preventing data leaks is encryption. PaperOffice stores all data with a 1024-bit military-grade encryption rate in your database, which is stored on your NAS, server, or locally.

No data is stored in the cloud or shared with unauthorized third parties. Only authorized and approved users can access the data, whether it be invoices, confidential sketches, or images.

PaperOffice DMS uses state-of-the-art encryption technologies to ensure that your data is always protected.

Instead of storing files in plain text on drives, all data is highly encrypted and stored in the database.

Digital Privacy Protection: Secure Data Exchange

This ensures that your sensitive information remains protected at all times and can only be accessed by those who are explicitly authorized.

This also applies to ransomware attacks.

2. Protection Against Ransomware Attacks

One of the greatest advantages of encrypted data storage in PaperOffice DMS is the protection against ransomware attacks. Since the files are not stored in plain text on drives, ransomware programs cannot find and encrypt them.

This means that even in the event of a ransomware attack, your data remains secure and inaccessible to the attackers. This high level of security measure significantly minimizes the risk of data loss and ensures the integrity of your sensitive information.

Read our case study on how PaperOffice DMS helped government clients in Serbia save their documents during a ransomware attack.

3. Strict Access Controls

In addition to encryption, it is important to strictly control access to your data. PaperOffice DMS offers advanced access controls that ensure only authorized employees can access specific documents.

With features such as two-factor authentication, additional (optional) SMS code notification, and detailed access logs, you can ensure that only authorized individuals have access to your sensitive data.

4. Use of NAS Devices

PaperOffice DMS supports the use of NAS devices like QNAP, Synology, and Asustor. These devices provide an additional layer of data security and allow for efficient storage and management of your documents.

Furthermore, PaperOffice is the exclusive global partner of QNAP and Asustor, which means you can benefit from optimized integrations and special features.

To learn how to best use PaperOffice DMS with your Asustor NAS, check out our detailed article.

5. Notification Function for Enhanced Security

Another significant advantage of PaperOffice DMS is the integrated notification function. This feature ensures that you are immediately informed if an access attempt—whether unauthorized or authorized—occurs outside of allowed times or from unauthorized locations.

This provides an additional layer of security, as even authorized employees can sometimes contribute to data leaks.

The notification function helps you identify and prevent potentially harmful behavior early on. You receive instant alerts when suspicious activities are detected, allowing you to quickly respond and take necessary actions to protect your sensitive information.

With this proactive monitoring and notification function, PaperOffice DMS minimizes the risk of data leaks and provides you with a high level of control and security over your valuable data.


Data leaks can have severe consequences for businesses and public institutions. With PaperOffice DMS, you can minimize these risks and ensure that your sensitive information is always protected.

Our comprehensive data encryption, strict access controls, support for NAS devices, regular security updates, and extensive support make PaperOffice DMS the ideal choice for SMEs and government agencies worldwide.

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